To Women of the BBC

To ALL the women who did NOT want to participate in Bergen, Essex, Morris, or Middlesex Counties:

I am so sorry but we did not meet the minimum number of sign-ups in your county. The minimum number was 10 women per county and here’s what we ended up with:

Hudson 1
Mercer 3
Monmouth 4
Passaic 1
Somerset 5
Union 3

That being said here are your choices.

OPTION A. You pick one of the counties that DID have enough sign-ups. Choices are Bergen, Essex, Morris, or Middlesex and the weigh-in schedule is here, Keep in mind if you do pick another county the prizes will mostly be located in that county BUT we’ll try to also include prizes that can be redeemed anywhere and/or are worth the drive.


OPTION B. You convert from a $25 Player to a $10 Sideliner (I’ll refund you the $15). This way you can still be involved on some level. You'll be on the group page if you are a Member of NJYP and you'll get invited to the special events we'll have, plus you'll be able to attend the end of the competition party.


OPTION C. If you picked Mercer, Monmouth, Somerset, or Union counties we can KEEP you in the contest but the prize will be smaller. For instance if everyone in Somerset County stays on board the prize will be Somerset County based and the value will be $25 x 5 = $125. So the good news with this is the prize package WILL be county based but the bad news is it will be small. The minimum number of sign-ups we’ll work with is 3 per county so if too many drop out we’ll have to eliminate this too.


OPTION D. You get a full refund and are not part of the BBC in any way.


Please email with what you'd like to do by tomorrow, 1.21.12.

Thanks so much!

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