Dear Happy Hour Water Drinkers,

I'm making a simple request that if you go to an NJYP Happy Hour that you order more than just a glass of water.  If you do not drink alcohol you can order food, a soda, a nice virgin drink, ANYTHING but a glass of free water.

Why? You are taking up space in the bar and costing them money.  They are paying for rent, heat, electricity, insurance, internet, phone, etc.  You are also putting our relationship with the bar at risk. :(

What?  You ONLY drink water and you do not eat food??? Then hit up an NJYP hike where it is BYOWater.


PS, Many thanks to MOST of you who do not do this!  If you see someone ordering just water perhaps remind them they are hurting the bar, NJYP, and potentially you if Happy Hours start getting canceled.

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ROFL @ James. Wiseguy!!!
JS--I shall make a NJYP appearance very soon...just not tonight I'm afraid.


James said:
I consume all of my nutrients intravenously.

I think the important question that needs to be asked is, Lizzie are you coming out tonight?

Lizzie said:
If you do not drink soda...have some juice...if you do not drink juice...drink some booze...if you do not drink a taco...if you do not eat a taco...have some pie....the options are endless! :)

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)
I love NJYP Happy Hours! And BOTTLED WATER!! woo see you folks tonight!

Lizzie said:
JS--I shall make a NJYP appearance very soon...just not tonight I'm afraid.


James said:
I consume all of my nutrients intravenously.

I think the important question that needs to be asked is, Lizzie are you coming out tonight?

Lizzie said:
If you do not drink soda...have some juice...if you do not drink juice...drink some booze...if you do not drink a taco...if you do not eat a taco...have some pie....the options are endless! :)

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)
LIKE! :)

Lizzie said:
JS--I shall make a NJYP appearance very soon...just not tonight I'm afraid.


James said:
I consume all of my nutrients intravenously.

I think the important question that needs to be asked is, Lizzie are you coming out tonight?

Lizzie said:
If you do not drink soda...have some juice...if you do not drink juice...drink some booze...if you do not drink a taco...if you do not eat a taco...have some pie....the options are endless! :)

Anthony S. said:
What if you don't drink soda?

Lizzie said:

Don't be cheap a Coke. :)
Amazing debate.
Lighten up Rob! Have some water!

Robert said:
Amazing debate.
I must confess at times i have gone to events and not drank (or bought) anything at all. I guess i am the worst bar-goer ever. The crappiest patron. The lamiest NJYP member. The cheapest mofo :) What can i say - i am a camel, i can go for hours without eating (or choose not to eat bar crap) and i can also go for hours without drinking. And i am not much of an alcohol/beverage/soda kind of person. I am not a person. I am a camel!

The beauty (and curse) of free will - the liberty of choice - the principle of self-determination (more like decision): i can go to a happy hour and drink (or not), eat (or not) buy someone something (or not). It is my sole discretion - unless there is a minimum required - by the bar or by Laura. If there isn't then everyone is in tough luck - because it is up to me and my like/dislike.

Another freedom available in this nation is the one of speech. Which reminds me of the reason why i wanted to post on this subject. I know exactly what Anthony means when he says what he says in his points. Well, at least i suspect we are looking at this from the same perspective. There are ways to say things or ask for stuff. By the way - to equate the idea of going to a happy hour to the necessity of having to drink or eat, it is the same as the idea that if you go to a club/lounge (even as an NJYP event) one MUST dance - or else why bother to go. If you think that is narrow minded and unreasonable, then we are actually on the same side.

I've NEVER ordered only water when I go to a bar, but this discussion is really turning me off to NJYP Happy Hours :(
I think the only thing worse than someone going to a bar and not ordering a drink is someone posting in the forum using a stupid nickname.

Dos Equis Guy said:
blah blah blah.
Drink for thought... Article if wikipedia is really credible anyway...

"Happy Hour- Basic Information- Typically, it is in the late afternoon Monday through Thursday, usually taking place at some period between 4 PM and 7 PM. This promotion is intended to boost business on what may otherwise be a slow day. In most cases the "happy hour" lasts longer than a single hour. The term Happy Hour also is commonly used to describe the gathering of work colleagues at a restaurant or bar after work hours, possibly outside the period of 4 PM and 7 PM.[citation needed] The specifics usually differ from country to country. In some European countries like the Netherlands, the price of an alcoholic drink is regulated and selling them at half price is prohibited. During happy hour, a customer gets double the amount of drinks instead. In Italy, a customer often pays the same price or even more for the drink but is offered free fingerfoods. In the United States it typically entails finger foods and discounted drinks. Happy Hour can also be referred to as the period prior to dinner, where appetizers and drinks are served at ones home."

Don't be an idiot, if your going to get a beer for 5$ Go For A GUINNESS.

Steve said:
no 1. The bar could charge something reasonable for a pint of water.
2. People would be more willing to buy items if they were offered a discount. Give out discount coupons or tickets to people who attend the happy hours. They can use this to buy items they probably wouldn't have otherwise bought. Bars charge above and beyond the cost of many items (especially alcohol, for the price of two bar beers I can go to my local liquor store, buy a 12-pack and get plowed at home, and watch whatever I want to on TV) so any discount they are willing to offer will still net them a profit. You will also potentially draw more people to come out than who would have otherwise stayed home or went to a non-NJYP event.

Take care!

It's been a while since I've been to one, every NJYP happy hour I've been to has had discounts on select food and drinks.

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