The first time I went skiing I went down the  bunny slope about five times before my uncle decided to bring me down one of the double black diamonds at Blue Mountain.  A mild case of hypothermia and a concussion later and I didn't ski for a while.  Years later my soon to be wife decides to take me back there.  We stuck to the easy slopes, but for some reason it seemed like the easy ones intersected with the black diamonds, and if you went left instead of right you were in trouble.  Basically, I was wondering if anyone knew of places that had plenty of slopes for beginners that didn't really run into the other ones.  I looked at a few places trail maps and then crossed them off the list. Any input would be great...

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I learned to ski at Shawnee Mountain in the Poconos. As I recall, they've got plenty of slopes that are pretty much straight downhill, not a lot of curves or intersections so it should be accessible for beginners. I heard on the radio they've got a package deal for beginners during January. Have fun!

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